Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Will!

Happy Birthday to my sweetie! I snuck out of the office today and ran to Dessert Gallery to get him some cupcakes (because there is no need for a full cake in the house). So I thought I'd do my daily outfit pic in front of their jazzy sign. Here are my details...

Scarf - can't remember
Black 3/4 sleeve top - Ann Taylor Loft
Maroon pencil skirt - Old Navy
Nine West green purse - Ross
Rounded toe heels - JCP
Red velvet cupcakes - Dessert Gallery

Don't these cupcake look so good??? Don't worry Monica, thy are all Will's. I didn't have any :-)

Thank you to The Penny Pinching Princess for the I Love You Blog Award and she has also tagged me for the Honest Weblog. I am going to post the honesty list later tonight. For now, I have to keep this short and sweet since I am taking Will out for sushi (yummers!).


Ally said...

Those cupcakes look killer!

I love "on location" pics :)

KT said...

OK, we do NOT have a fun cupcake place here. And I LOVE Red Velvet Cupcakes. I get them anytime I am in NYC. Happy Birthday to Will!