Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween 2009

First of all, major apologies from a long absence. I hope to be back to posting on a regular basis again.

So I thought I'd share some pictures from our big Halloween Party a couple of weeks ago. As most of you know, I got braces this past summer. I thought it would be a good idea to incorporate the braces and make them work for me. The costume I came up with was...Ugly Betty. At first I was planning to just wear mismatched clothes, but when I went to the local Goodwill, I came across a red tablecloth. I immediately remember the famous Ugly Betty episode where she come in wearing a red and blue poncho with "Guadalajara" in big yellow letters. Using my sewing and craft skills, I made my own poncho using the red tablecloth, leftover blue felt found at the local fabric shop, and yellow fabric paint. I found red reading glasses at the dollar spot at Target, and for her Ann Boleyn B necklace, I made a B out of gold scrap paper and taped it on a faux strand of pearls. I just wore crazy tights, a skirt, and a button top underneath my poncho. The total cost of the costume was a whopping $12! The best part, is that I actually won the costume contest. My inner Betty was out in full force! Will was my cute nerd boyfriend. We pieced his costume together using his own clothes (yes, he actually owned grey Velcro shoes already). He really hammed it up and played the perfect nerd! How was your Halloween? What did you dress as?
Here are our pics!


  1. Welcome back! Great costume!

    I didn't really dress up - I just pushed the envelope with my work clothes last Friday.

  2. OMG that costume is great I love it! I'm glad to see you back, although I'm not doing so well with posting on my own blog.

  3. There you are!!! Welcome back - you were missed. BTW - The costume is fab.

  4. OMG!!! You rocked as Berry. The tablecloth turned poncho looks fan-tab-ulous!!

  5. Who the hell is Berry?? Had my fingers on the wrong keys - that should have been Betty!!

  6. Thank you! Thank you! Being Betty was fun! I'll def need to keep this as a back-up costume for a while.
