Thursday, February 19, 2009

Gone For A Bit

Hey guys! So sorry for the absence. I've been swamped this week with wedding stuff. For those confused, Will and I just got married in October at the JP, but have been planning an actual wedding ceremony in Mexico in May. Well for all these past months, I have been slacking. Mexico is right around the corner and I need to devote a little time to the plans. So I will be back next week when I get some decisions made and plans into action.

I hope everyone is having a fabulous week!


  1. hey! Have a very nice planning I know the deal its a pain me and my hubby got hitched last february but the "real" wedding is going to be in october in Poland (thats a destination :D) So good luck with all the decisions:)

  2. Have a blast planning! Wow Mexico will be amazing, May will be here in no time! Have a great week!

  3. I had no idea! Congratulations! Have fun and don't get too stressed.

  4. Mexico sounds so great.
    Enjoy the planning & preparations!
    Have a great weekend,
    XX Chantal

  5. Thanks so much! The planning is coming along nicely!
