Monday, February 2, 2009

Another Casual Monday

Our casual "jean" days at the office are on Mondays and Fridays. I used to never wear jeans, but now it's a part of my regular wardrobe. Here is another jean day Monday...

Vest, necklace, jeans, and shoes are Target. Short sleeve turtleneck is from my sister. Belt is from Macy's.

Okay for some reason I thought these jeans were a really dark blue, but maybe they are black after all. It sure looks black in this picture. Oh well, this isn't my favorite outfit. It prob would have been better with a dark red belt. Note to self: buy a dark red belt...

While cooking the other day, I realized I was missing an ingredient. I sent Will to the store and the sweetie came back with the right ingredient and these lovely flowers. I just had to show them off :-)


  1. Thanks! I do too. I really should wear it more often.

  2. what a great husband! you are a lucky woman!

  3. I love that vest! Never would have thought it's from target.

  4. Yes heated garages are a must in Chicago. :) Jeans Monday and Friday sounds amazing!

  5. This is such a cute outfit. I love the vest and the shoes. Gorgeous as always! Beautiful flowers too!
