Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Is it only Tuesday???

Well, I'm still trying to figure out the best places to take pics in the new place. Taking my outfit pics makes me realize how bare the walls are. Once I get the furniture situated where I want them, I'll start putting the pictures up. In the meantime, here is my daily outfit against my naked wall...

Adielle black cowl-neck - Anthropologie
French Connection red/grey skirt - Lot 8 (PR winner Chole Dao's store)
Maripe black peep-toe - Rack Room

So like I said before, the last 2 weeks have been insane and my workouts and diet have been lacking. I still managed to workout with my trainer, but cardio got put off completely. I kept thinking "I'm moving, and that's workout enough." Yeah, it might have been if I layed off the fast food. It's just so tough though when your cookware and food is packed up. I'm finally cooking healthy meals again, but now my worst enemy is cake. Don't get me wrong, I love a good cake when I see one, but it has been non stop cake for the past 5 days. Of course you'd think it would be easy to politely say no, but when the cake is in your honor, you have a slice...or two...maybe three. Yikes! No wonder I felt yuck!

Now it's time for damage control. Yesterday, I picked up my friend Melissa and we did 30 minute interval running on the treadmill. It was her first time to do my interval workout, but she did great! I am so proud of her! We burned a lot of calories in just 30 minutes and time flew by. We went on to strength training for the next 30 minutes and after all was said and done, we were on an endorphin high. I'll be back on the treadmill tonight right after I throw out the cake!


  1. That skirt is adorable! Love it! Glad to see you are getting back to your normal routine.

  2. I really love this skirt and I really love your wedding dress, arent you glad you can just pull it out and show people whenever you want, like "Oh yeah and here is my wedding dress". Mine is vacuum sealed somewhere at my parents house, it was too big to keep in my own closet, sometimes simplicity is so much better. You looked so lovely, Congrats!!

  3. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around intervals without it killing my body. I really need to stop with the steady state. Do you have any pointers?

    The skirt is gorgeous! Wants!

  4. that skirt is so pretty! Love it!
